What is Creative Joy?

In case you haven’t noticed, the planet is running low on joy. And yet, it’s all around us, much more available than we think.

Whether you’re writing a memoir or a marketing plan, a novel or a grant proposal, the process is the same: put words down, make them better. We can’t control outcomes, but we have complete agency over how we show up in our day to day efforts to create.

The minutes, hours, and days we spend working on something we value, something we want to do well—that’s what matters. That’s where we can delight in our discoveries, be proud of our strengths and forward progress, where we can revel in the creative act of living.

The Joy is in the process…


Julia F. Green

“Life is short. More joy, less struggle.”

Julia holds a B.A. from Columbia University and an MFA in fiction writing from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She’s been helping people overcome blocks and tell their story for over twenty years.

In addition to helping people tell their story, Julia creates her own—she writes fiction, creative nonfiction, and the occasional reported piece. Learn more about her work as an author here.